lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

De Switch

I wish I could switch your problems with mine
You’re in pain cause she left and she doesn't want you anymore.
You could run off and get her. you could leave everything. you could do so much.
But you're here crying about it, waiting for things to go your way.
Wishing that just because you want something so bad it would become true. I wish I still believed that.

Let me tell you I found him, I had it for a while and it was amazing
It was certain and so true.
It was my everything, and it was my nothing.
And I lost it all
Lost everything that day in may, and it is never coming back

Are you really complaining? Is that really what you are saying?
I stand in front of you and you don't know the meaning of loss.
I remind you of a glimpse of it so you run.
You always run away from me.

You tell yourself you know I am strong.
I wonder how you know that. You never ask.
You think you see me, you can’t see into my heart.
Not anymore.
I wish someone could, or that someone else knew.
But it’s only me out here in the rain.
Everyone has dried off and gone inside while I am soaked and paralyzed.
I am wasted. I have wasted my love.

I am not going anywhere but everyone else leaves.
I constantly get left behind.
Always the last to leave the party.
Profoundly alone and excruciatingly impatient.
Praying for time to take pity on me and pass by fast.

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